Cutting carbon out

To Italy for the second in a series of events about helping communities across the continent learn how to reduce carbon emissions through social and behavioural change.

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Of course, reducing human generation of carbon emissions is a huge generational challenge and the urgency of the task is obvious.

Behavioural change comes best from the bottom up and that is why the programmes of these events are a part are focused on developing community action in eight separate municipalities across the continent of Europe.

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The challenge is common and sharing effective techniques for making change needs to be a key aim of the events and programmes they are developing.

Very often the largest challenges in reducing use of carbon are small and domestic and especially concerned with the production and maintenance of accommodation for humans. The piece of Drawnalism underneath followed the course of a presentation by the World Green Building Council on many of these subjects.


We are looking forward to our part in the third event of the series in March 2019.