
In the Moment, digital

Drawnalism has created a model of working In the Moment that enables us to deliver the benefits of digital service at in person events. One of our Drawnalists will attend the event and capture it graphically, using a pre-defined template that can be coloured, completed and delivered promptly – usually within minutes of the event ending.  

We can use the same process to work as if we were drawing on paper. In both cases, On the Air graphic recording and capture can be used to extend the reach and lifecycle of an event, by creating an engaging record that is ideal for internal and social media distribution.  

Before your event

Drawnalism has been drawing events In the Moment since 2009, and we use our experience and expertise to assure event organisers, their teams and agencies that everything will go smoothly on the day.

When we receive an In the Moment digital booking enquiry, we will set up a face to face or digital meeting with the organiser to discuss requirements and agree pricing and costs. Once this is done, we will exchange contracts and any other legal documents, such as non-disclosure agreements.

We have invested in drawing technology solutions that enable us to deliver a robust, consistent experience when drawing live.

Following the briefing call, we will collect any further assets that we need, such as logos or reference material, and build them into a bespoke template for the Drawnalism graphic recording. We will then attend and use the template to make a graphic recording of it. We can work for up to two hours at a time.

We will not finalise a booking, make travel arrangements or book accommodation before this is done. However, we will agree which of our [Drawnalists][0] is going to attend, complete arrangements with any associates that we need to work with, and order materials as and if necessary.

On the day

We want our Drawnalists to be able to arrive at an event well ahead of the first session at which they will be working. This means that if travel time is likely to be tight, we will usually need to book accommodation for the evening before.

Once they are at the venue, our Drawnlists will liaise with the organiser or their commissioner. They will double-check graphic capture requirements, where they are going to be working, and where their Drawnalism will be displayed.

They will set up their workstations and prepare ‘welcome’ drawings for attendees. These establish a style for the event and pass on important information: such as the social media hashtag for the event – and how to login to the wi-fi!


For any In the Moment digital graphic capture session, each booked Drawnalist will need:

  • A chair and a table large enough to hold a pack of pens, a laptop and a smartphone
  • A power source and wi-fi codes
  • Space to work at a minimum of two digital devices
  • A clear line of sight to speakers and presentations
  • Good lighting (or a pin-source of light if lights are dimmed during plenary sessions)
  • Access to a translation service (if appropriate)
  • Space for event participants to view and film the Drawnalist at work (if possible).

Graphic capture of sessions

Once an event is underway, our Drawnalists will capture all the sessions that they have been commissioned to record. If they are working alongside a liveblogger, they will liaise with its writer to embed a digital capture of each session’s sheet(s) into its blog post.

Otherwise, our Drawnalists will work hard to keep up with speakers, presenters and debate, and use planned breaks to put their completed sheets of Drawnalism to the agreed display area, so participants can interact with them.

After the event Immediately after the event, we will set up another meeting or call with the organiser, so we can review the output from the graphic recording. We will then make any corrections, tidy up the drawing, and complete the colouring.

We will usually supply the completed work within 24 hours of the event ending, if we are working live, or to an agreed timescale if we are working as live. The slide show above explains the process.

We can also work with the organiser to provide additional At the Studio services to make the graphic recording camera ready for posting on internal bulletin boards or social media, or embedding into corporate videos, presentations and other follow-up materials. Talk to us to find out more.

After the event

At the end of an event, our Drawnalists will collect and supply the record of the event. This creates a complete digital record that we can pass on to the organiser or commissioner or use for post-event work At the Studio.

Once this is done we put the recordings into a pack that we present to the organiser or commissioner. We like to take photograph of this moment: because our commissioners always look so happy!