At the Studio, what to expect
At the Studio is Drawnalism’s portfolio of traditional illustration, graphic art and video work. These can be used before and after an In the Moment or an On the Air booking or commissioned separately.
At the Studio services include branding, illustration, graphic-art and info graphics, and Animated Drawnalism for use in social and corporate video. Whatever you need, the process for booking and then working with us is the same.
First, we will discuss your needs in detail, and agree a time component for the work, which will determine its cost. We will then arrange a kick-off meeting, call or email round with everybody involved to double-check requirements and agree a timeline, with sign-off points.
After that, we will conduct a process of idea generation that ends with a review and choice point, at which the client chooses one or more concepts or ideas to take further. Then, we work these up, hold final review and sign-off, and complete the work.

Enquiries and booking
When we receive an enquiry about any aspect of our At the Studio portfolio, we will discuss the client’s requirements in detail and work out a time component for the work.
We bill for At the Studio projects by whole days of one Drawnalist’s time, so the time component will determine the final cost. Before we exchange contracts, we will draw up a project timeline.
Kick-off point
When we have been booked to carry out an At the Studio project, we will arrange a meeting or call with everybody involved in commissioning, contributing to, and signing off on the work. We will double check what the project needs to achieve and discuss how we can effectively work together to deliver that.
Idea generation
After kick-off, we will start a process of idea generation that is designed to enable clients to benefit from Drawnalism’s experience of producing illustrations, graphic art and video for projects of all kinds.
For example, the idea generation phase may mean that we draw a number of rough illustrations for a report, produce a set of variations on a graphic concept, or develop outline treatments for a story-board. We like to give clients options, so they are in a strong position to choose the best way forward.
Review and choice point
We will supply the concepts or ideas to our commissioner in accordance with the project timescale. We will then hold a review and choice meeting, call or email round with everybody involved in the project, so they can choose which of the ideas they want to progress.
Sometimes, we need to repeat the idea generation and review stage, to allow for iterations of a concept. We require sign-off on the choice before moving onto the next stage.
We will then work up the chosen concept(s) or idea(s). For example, this may mean tightening up the line art and adding colour, purchasing icons and fonts for graphics, or taking a video to the point where its captions, soundtrack and voice over are in place.
Final sign-off point
We will organise a further meeting, call or email exchange with everybody involved in the project just before it is completed, so the client can make final amends and edits. This can also be an iterative process, but we will require sign-off on any changes before we go ahead and implement them.
Completion and delivery
Following final sign-off, we will complete the work. This may mean finalising the line art and colouring, rendering graphics in agreed formats, and adding a professional voice-over to video.
We will then supply the finished artwork. We are happy to discuss progress and ideas for making the best possible use of the line-art, graphics or video that are under development at any point in the process.