Clustering together
Back into the European Union for a return to the amazing European Cluster Conference.
Clustering is strategic gathering of industrial, commercial and social strengths. It brings economic and social growth and builds resilence across the continent working through the national governments who are members of the Union.
The unanticipated shock of the Covid Pandemic provided a lot of learning about the power of clustering to help meet the sudden demands of crisis. And this learning is now informing the building of long term social, political and economic resilience using clustering.
Clustering is going to be essential for the transition to a greener economy as a part of the European Green Deal.
EU Commissioner Thierry Breton shared some of this context to open the conference and you can see the full capture of that session below.
Drawnalism In the Moment graphic recording of Thierry Breton EU Commissioner Opening the EU Cluster Conference 2024.
After that we were extremely busy in more plenary or speech led sessions and also in the many interactive and discursive sessions designed for the exchange of knowledge.
There were =many hundreds of participants from across the continent and you can see a little of of our graphic recording in the next set of slides.
Drawnalism from the interactive sessions