COP Presidency Year: What are the priorities?

In November 2021, the UK hosted the 26th COP Summit in Glasgow, together with partner Italy. 

The Glasgow Summit had four declared goals:

  • Mitigation to the effects of climate change as it is now

  • Adaptation to the effects of climate change as they are now

  • Finance to allow both mitigation and adaptation to the effects of climate change

  • Collaboration in global partnerships to adapt to and mitigate the effects of global climate change.

On Monday 24th January 2022 COP President Alok Sharma will outline the UK's Presidency priorities for this year. Given so many issues need addressing urgently, we wonder which of the Sustainable Development Goals will be identified as priorities.

For your convenience we have listed each of the UN’s individual Sustainable Development Goals, and the link for each one leads to an example of Drawnalism’s take on that goal.

  1. No poverty

  2. No hunger

  3. Healthy Lives and Well-being

  4. Quality Education and Lifelong Learning

  5. Gender Equality

  6. Water and Sanitation

  7. Affordable Energy

  8. Economic Growth

  9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

  10. Reduced Inequalities

  11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

  12. Responsible Consumption and Production

  13. Climate Action

  14. Life Below Water

  15. Life On Land

  16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

  17. Partnership for the Goals

The United Nations SDG permissions team has asked us to make clear that: "The content of this publication has not been approved by the United Nations and does not reflect the views of the United Nations or its officials or Member States”. We are very happy to do so.
Drawnalism -

Drawnalism will be in Glasgow for a part of the COP26 event with one of our partners, OpenUK.