Happy customers of Drawnalism
Drawnalism worked at Fazeley Digital in Birmingham in early June this year. We were asked to facilitate a discussion on the use of micro-blogging service, Twitter, by making a mind map or, brainstorm drawing on a very large wall. (You can watch up preparing for this interesting commisson here courtesy of Bambuser and Birmingham based Crushhouse media).
The idea was for Alex and I to start a wall-based visual conversation about the ideas and possible uses of the communication technology - and which would encourage people attending the talks to step up and add their own experiences to our visual interpretations of the conversation going on in the room.
Given the nature of associative linking in art and communication it made for a powerful, engaged and truly interactive couple of hours. (Blogger 24 Random Thoughts has a few pictures here which give you an idea of the size of the wall we were working on!)
Digital thinker and academic Jon Hickman has a nice round up of the event here and here as do event organisers, FazeleyStudios. Event participant Jackie Booth had a few post-event reflections and we learned something from them too :-)