OMG! Breaking jargon

We were recently asked to draw to deconstruct the jargon from the work of 25 or more organisations attending a  large conference. You can see some of the abbreviations, acronyms and jargon in the names of the organisations themselves in the Drawnalism below.


The distinct language used by individual businesses and institutions is typically one of the biggest barriers to growing understanding between them. This often also applies internally with divisions inside large organisations.

This matters particularly in the example of Health, Social Care and Housing because of changing demand for services and real-time communication networks. Better and faster collaboration across business and institutional boundaries is very hard to deliver without a common understanding of language.

Unsurprisingly, the task we were asked to deliver caught the imagination of the conference delegates and we were kept very busy, as you can see in the short slideshow below.

We expect to be drawing many more pieces of jargon busting Drawnalism in the coming years.

OMG? = Oh my god.